Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lord, help me talk to my 11 year old about 9/11/01......

So, ever since Andrew has gotten his laptop for his birthday, he's been putting it to good use.  Not the typical 11 year old sort of thing either...not so much gaming now, not so much "stupid YouTubing" (as I call it now), not so much Facebook now, but a lot more looking up of historical events.  I think his participation in DI is helping to foster this sort of healthy research.

Andrew's very interested in history and historical news, along with any news (past or present) having to do with Metro and the weather.  In fact on Facebook, I saw where he joined the MyFoxDC page and posted things about Metro on there.  Not 11 year old looking posts either.  We're talking grammatically put together sentences about the subject, like you and I *would* be expected to do.

This leads me to the past couple of days' research....9/11/01.  So many questions....wanting to make sure of where his mom and dad were precisely when each and every plane hit.  I freaked him out big time when I told him that I learned of the news quicker from a friend who was hearing it on the BBC (I kid you not..).  He asked about a friend of ours who works at the Pentagon and got scared for her.  Asked how did we know she was okay...etc.  Andrew was in our room on the floor last night after a good month of not appearing there.  Death upsets Andrew sure, but unfortunately he is very used to death happening to loved ones.

We're doing our best to answer questions....give me strength Lord.  I remember going to Sally's that day and grabbing up this 1.5 plus year old blonde curly headed boy and hugging him to pieces.  Never thought I would be having to discuss that day with him now.  Should be surprised we have not had to talk about it before actually.  But with the advent of my parents dying, and vehicle accidents, we had our own topics of discussion flowing for years now.  Now that things are more quiet, it was time for this to crop up. 

Along with Andrew's questions, I have some in my head too on a different topic, but kind of related.  I am reading one of the most gripping Christian based books ever....Heaven Is For Real.  HIGHLY recommend it to everyone.  I'm nearly done with it.  I wonder now what my dad saw when he nearly died back in 1997 (well he did according to the surgeon)....besides him saying he could see the surgeon working on his body...had his heart out of his chest, working on it.  Wow.  This book is making me emotional.  UGH.  But it makes me eager to see Jesus......

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