Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Been way too long my friends---warning Christian talk at the end.... ;-)

No news is good news.  :)  The school year is nearing to an end soon.  It has been a very good one for both boys.  Benjamin may be the secret mathematician and perfect speller in the whole family.  No one sees it coming, that's what's so funny about it.  We will see if he can get more use out of those skills come 3rd grade.

Andrew...my 5th grader.  I have to say I love the elementary school that the boys go to.  We've, so far, been treated wonderfully and the boys are receiving a quality, yet caring, education.  Andrew has had prefect marks on his report card the past 2 quarters.  I'm so very proud of both boys, don't get me wrong.  But with Andrew, every single talent and thought process to solve problems.....does not come easy to him.  He works to the point of sweat and tears to strive for the level he is at.  And I say that not only academically, but also out on the pitch when he is playing soccer.  He will get hurt and still play through most times.  He is just a super hard worker.  I guess that's why I really cheer him on.  This has been a coming of age year for Andrew, now well into year 11 of his life.

Spring break week, I did something I told myself I would never do....let the boys stay home alone all that week.  Yes, they had excursions when the friend of mine down the street was home with her son....one of the biggies being a trip to the National Zoo!  The present daycare at school did not have enough parents sign up for a spring break camp that it just did not happen.  The back up people I think had made other plans during spring break.  I took it as a sign from God to "try" this out.  Could not have went smoother.  Again, proud proud momma!

Andrew's soccer team I think have not won any games, but the gang of boys seem really nice and Andrew looks forward to practices for the most part.  Not sure if Andrew will put in another season of this before he gets out.  It's more for the exercise for him.  I hate to see him drop it because frankly, he needs the exercise.  *sigh*  Then there is high energy, don't stop til you drop, Benjamin.  After 2 absolutely horrid seasons of soccer (indoor/outdoor), he is on a team that works hard on the field.  Him and his other buddy on the team have really come of age this season.  So improved, both of them!  So far, the team has gone undefeated--something Ben has never experienced before. Not sure what kind of mud we just stuck ourselves into, but we fearfully signed Ben up to try out at least for travel.  Those tryouts happen two different days in June.  Pray for us...we are insane...in the membrane!

Now back to Andrew..LOL  (sounding like an Old Spice commercial eh?)   So, Andrew did Destination Imagination for the very first time and is now kicking himself for not getting on board last school year when he was then toying with the idea of joining.  LOL  The team he joined was a winning team anyway, having gone to globals last year.  I think 3 different kids were added on (some dropped out too I think)...Andrew being one of the additions.  The team (Wade UnDIniables) competed in county, then went on to state....and here they are, going to globals in TN in just 3 short weeks from now!  They've earned it and so proud of their efforts.  

Andrew completed the math competition with his team from Wade and the 5th graders nabbed first place in the county.  Good job guys!  

And it's been MONTHS since Andrew's been in my room at all.  God heals all, let me tell you.  I praise Him everyday for this one though.  Andrew's gotten bolder (in a good way), and has life goals already.  Folks, he is a preteen.  *sniff*

Rick and I are doing really well.  Rick's only having to give up the blood once every 2 months as it stands now and we expect that gap in time in between to grow soon! :-)   We both go this Saturday for our usual blood draws....well mine a bit earlier.  I think the last time I was there I was sick with a sinus infection and taking meds, cough ones too.  So my sugar was elevated some and they wanted to re-test that.  I can't say I am not slightly worried.  My mom was diabetic.  What's weird is that normally and forever, my sugar would run extremely low.  So yeah...*hand up*....worried.  LOL  So prayer on that would be appreciated.

Went to a praise rally Sunday in VA at the Free Methodist church there.  Had a wonderful and enlightening time.  I am so glad to have been a part of that.  I was going to ask prayer for another matter here, but I think I found my resolution during a special prayer time at the rally....and I didn't even have to go up front to pray.  God struck me there in my seat.  You see....a couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine attacked me in the worst way possible....in the gut...saying my life was a life of disobedience to God because of me not being home with my kids and taking something I posted absolutely and totally out of context.  And didn't even read/listen to what I had to say in answer, which was done completely without anger and in 100% Love.  Most people (of the world) would instantly have dropped that person as a friend.  I nearly did.  But God showed me HIS way Sunday...about 8 pm in a pew of a church in Alexandria VA...that I can forgive that person WITHOUT the drama of seeking apologies for something I specifically asked her to take back.  God healed it for me--He is the Alpha and Omega, beginning and end.  No things will never ever be the same with that relationship, but in this world, we are to love one another and I still do love this person.  And very much in prayer for this person.

My assignment to you.....love the unlovable....pray for the people who persecute you.....  Reach out to an unsaved person and talk to them, talk about a story from the bible over a meal.   Just be....real.

This is where the healing begins......

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